

TLC is going Bowling

Bowling at Cataract Lanes - 3:00pm ($15.00 shoes incl - pay the church in advance) Lundy's Lane, Niagara Falls. 

Dinner at The Barrel (pay per order at the restaurant) 5:30pm Garrison Rd, Fort Erie. 

Sign up sheet in the Foyer. You can join us for just bowling, just dinner or both. Please tick the appropriate column on the sign up sheet.

Membership Classes

If you are thinking about joining Trinitylife as your Church Home we invite you to learn more about what church membership involves and why it is significant. Join us Monday June 3rd and 10th from 7 - 8:30pm for our upcoming membership class where we will discuss our church's history, core values, vision, and determine if you feel called to join us on our journey.

Inter-Church Tournament

Sunday June 30th

Join all the local churches for a fun sports afternoon  1-5pm at the Vale Center, 550 Elizabeth St, Port Colborne more details in the coming weeks!

Young Adults Retreat

Registration now open Camp Kahquah - June 7 - 9th, click this link for more details

Men's CORNHOLE  Tourney

Men, join us for Dinner and Cornhole on Wednesday, June 5th, 6pm ($15/person). It will be an evening of food and fun! Feel free to bring a friend along. Sign up sheet in the Church Foyer. For further details contact either John Pickett or Richard Pearson.

Camp Kahquah

Click the link for details on all the great camp experiences

Weekly LifeGroups

The Potter's Daughters

Monday mornings at 9:30 in the church library, starting this new book Monday, April 15th will bring new insight and healing as we learn, reflect on His powerful love and see God as a “PERFECT FATHER" All Ladies Welcome!

To The One Who Conquers

Every Wednesday evening here at TLC in the library 7pm lead by Sheraya Sims.  All are welcome.

Fuze Youth

Tuesdays (7-9pm) for our grade 9-12 students, and Thursdays (7-9pm) for our grade 6-8 students. To register or if you have any questions, email our resident youth pastor Emily at

Trinitylife Church

Transformed by Jesus

Learning His Ways

Caring with Compassion

Learn More


Looking for a Church home, a place that welcomes you just as you are? 

We may just be the place!

~Pastor Jeff Aitken